Financial Freedom Articles

Piggy bank with 401k written on white board.
Finance 101
What is a 401(k) and why is it important?

By taking advantage of this benefit, you’re making an investment in your future and saving enough to be financially secure in your retirement years.

Man calculating finances
How to Determine Your Retirement Income

The first step to retirement planning is estimating how much income you’ll need to be financially secure in your retirement years.

Person packing their desk.
What Happens to Your 401(k) When You Leave Your Job?

There are several options you can take with your old 401(k) to make the most of what you’ve saved for retirement so far.

Businessman cutting up credit card.
Kicking Credit Card Debt to the Curb

Paying off your credit card balances as quickly as possible can help you save hundreds – even thousands of dollars in interest.

Rollover IRA handwrote in a notepad.
Weighing the Pros and Cons of an IRA Rollover

Learn what the top 5 most common reasons to rollover an IRA. Find out from a retirement plan expert the pros and cons of a rollover.

Women shopping at night
Five Steps to Take Before Making a Large Purchase

Follow these five steps to know how long you should wait before making a big purchase and how to save the most money while fitting the purchase in your budget.

Wants vs needs
How to Tell the Difference Between Your Wants and Needs

Here are some tips to help you differentiate between wants and needs and how to separate these categories when making your budget.

A man opening his wallet looking for some money
How to Take on a No-Spend Challenge

The most successful financial freedom journeys are the ones built on taking a hard look at the numbers and being honest about spending and saving habits.

Woman standing in front of a shop window.
Curb Impulse Buying with These 8 Tips

Do you ever ask yourself, “Where did my paycheck go?” Impulse purchases may leave your bank account empty.